by: Megabit
- 383 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.7.1
Blazorise is a component library built on top of Blazor and CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Bulma and Material.
by: Megabit
- 2.181k total downloads
- Latest version: 1.7.1
Blazorise is a component library built on top of Blazor and CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Bulma and Material.
by: Bouncy Castle Project Contributors
- 251 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.8.9
The Bouncy Castle Crypto package is a C# implementation of cryptographic algorithms and protocols, it was developed by the Legion of the Bouncy Castle, a registered Australian Charity, with a little help! The Legion, and the latest goings on with this package, can be found at []( In addition to providing basic cryptography algorithms, the package also provides support for CMS, TSP, X.509 certificate generation and a variety of other standards such as OpenPGP.
by: BouncyCastle
- 596 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.2.1
a BouncyCastle redist package include .Net Framework and .Net Core/ Standard support
by: Castle Project Contributors
- 692 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.4.1
Castle Core, including DynamicProxy, Logging Abstractions and DictionaryAdapter
by: James Skimming
- 308 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.1.0
AsyncInterceptor is an extension to Castle DynamicProxy to simplify the development of interceptors for asynchronous methods.
by: Castle Project Contributors
- 46 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.2.0
Castle DynamicProxy is a library for generating lightweight .NET proxies on the fly at runtime. Proxy objects allow calls to members of an object to be intercepted without modifying the code of the class.
by: Castle Project Contributors
- 432 total downloads
- Latest version: 5.1.2
Castle Windsor logging facility lets you easily inject loggers into your components. It offers integration with most popular 3rd party logging frameworks like log4net, NLog and Serilog (see Castle Core docs).
by: Castle.LoggingFacility.MsLogging
- 181 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.1.1
Package Description
by: Castle Project Contributors
- 499 total downloads
- Latest version: 5.1.2
Castle Windsor is best of breed, mature Inversion of Control container available for .NET.
by: Castle.Windsor.MsDependencyInjection
- 369 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.1.1
Package Description
by: Andrey Zakharov
- 330 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.1.17
.NET driver for Yandex ClickHouse. It implements native ClickHouse protocol with data compression (not a wrapper for HTTP client)
by: Com.Ctrip.Framework.Apollo
- 3.263k total downloads
- Latest version: 2.11.0
与System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager集成(.net 4.7.1及以后版本)请使用Com.Ctrip.Framework.Apollo.ConfigurationManager包
by: gsscoder nemec ericnewton76 moh-hassan
- 738 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.9.1
Terse syntax C# command line parser for .NET. For FSharp support see CommandLineParser.FSharp. The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a clean and concise API for manipulating command line arguments and related tasks.
by: Aleksandar Seovic Mark Pollack Erich Eichinger Stephen Bohlen
- 567 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.4.1
Common.Logging library introduces a simple abstraction to allow you to select a specific logging implementation at runtime.
by: Aleksandar Seovic Mark Pollack Erich Eichinger Stephen Bohlen
- 373 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.4.1
Common.Logging.Core contains the portable (PCL) implementation of the Common.Logging low-level abstractions common to all other Common.Logging packages.
by: .NET Foundation and Contributors
- 201 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.0.7
The library provides an abstraction over IoC containers and service locators. Using the library allows an application to indirectly access the capabilities without relying on hard references.
by: Cameron MacFarland Simon Cropp
- 378 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.3.2
Configure async code's ConfigureAwait at a global level.
by: khalidabuhakmeh
- 2.086k total downloads
- Latest version: 2.4.2
Allows you to print out objects in a table view in a console application. Should be helpful for the diehard console fans.
by: tonerdo
- 315 total downloads
- Latest version: 6.0.0
Coverlet is a cross platform code coverage library for .NET, with support for line, branch and method coverage.