AntDesign.Charts by: AntDesign.Charts
  • 1.044k total downloads
  • Latest version: 0.5.6
Package Description
AntDesign.ProLayout by: James Yeung
  • 1.074k total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.0-rc.2
  • blazor ant-design pro layout components
Ant Design Pro components for Blazor
Antlr by: Sam Harwell Terence Parr
  • 141 total downloads
  • Latest version:
ANother Tool for Language Recognition, is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, interpreters, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing actions in a variety of target languages.
Appveyor.TestLogger by: Faizan2304 ngbrown
  • 138 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.0.0
Logger for uploading test result in Appveyor when test is running with "dotnet test" or "dotnet vstest".
Ardalis.GuardClauses by: Steve Smith (@ardalis)
  • 849 total downloads
  • Latest version: 5.0.0
  • guard clause clauses assert assertion
A simple package by @ardalis and @nimblepros with guard clause helper methods. See docs for how to extend using your own extension methods defined in your project.
Ardalis.SmartEnum by: Steve Smith (@ardalis)
  • 356 total downloads
  • Latest version: 8.1.0
  • enum smartenum ardalis
Classes to help produce strongly typed smarter enums in .NET.
Argon by:
  • 843 total downloads
  • Latest version: 0.13.0
  • Json
Json serialization library. Hard fork of
Asp.Versioning.Abstractions by: .NET Foundation and Contributors
  • 257 total downloads
  • Latest version: 8.1.0
  • Asp AspNet AspNetCore Versioning
The abstractions library for API versioning.
AspectCore.Extensions.Reflection by: Lemon
  • 6.157k total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.4.0
  • Reflection Aop DynamicProxy
Reflection extension system for AspectCore Framework.
AspNetCore.HealthChecks.SqlServer by: Xabaril Contributors
  • 528 total downloads
  • Latest version: 8.0.2
  • HealthCheck HealthChecks Health Sql Server
HealthChecks.SqlServer is the health check package for SqlServer.
AspNetCore.HealthChecks.UI.Client by: Xabaril Contributors
  • 149 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.2.4
  • HealthCheck UI Client
HealthChecks.UI.Client contains some mandatory abstractions to work with HealthChecks.UI.
AspNetCore.HealthChecks.UI.Core by: Xabaril Contributors
  • 149 total downloads
  • Latest version: 3.1.3
  • HealthCheck HealthChecks COre
HealthChecks.UI.Core package containing builder and model definitions
AspNetCore.HealthChecks.UI.InMemory.Storage by: Xabaril Contributors
  • 130 total downloads
  • Latest version: 3.1.2
  • HealthCheck HealthChecks InMemory
HealthChecks.UI.InMemory.Storage package contains the required classes to use InMemory provider in the UI
AspNetCore.HealthChecks.Uris by: Xabaril Contributors
  • 569 total downloads
  • Latest version: 8.0.1
  • HealthCheck HealthChecks Health Uri Url Uris Urls
HealthChecks.Uris is a simple health check package for Uri groups.
Asyncify by: Hans van Bakel
  • 118 total downloads
  • Latest version: 0.9.7
  • Asyncify analyzers roslyn async await task asynchronous TAP
Asyncify-CSharp is an analyzer and codefix that allows you to quickly update your code to use the Task Asynchronous Programming model. This model, introduced in C# 5, adds an intuitive way of handling asynchronous calls within C#. The analyzer allows large codebases to be easily modified to use the TAP model by finding violations and applying fixes up the call tree.
AsyncKeyedLock by: Mark Cilia Vincenti
  • 695 total downloads
  • Latest version: 7.0.2
  • async lock key keyed semaphore striped dictionary concurrentdictionary pooling duplicate synchronization
An asynchronous .NET Standard 2.0 library that allows you to lock based on a key (keyed semaphores), limiting concurrent threads sharing the same key to a specified number, with optional pooling for reducing memory allocations.
AsyncUsageAnalyzers by: Sam Harwell et. al.
  • 77 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.0-alpha003
  • Async DotNetAnalyzers Roslyn Diagnostic Analyzer
A collection of analyzers related to best practices for writing asynchronous code.
Autofac by: Autofac Contributors
  • 861 total downloads
  • Latest version: 8.1.0
  • autofac di ioc dependencyinjection
Autofac is an IoC container for Microsoft .NET. It manages the dependencies between classes so that applications stay easy to change as they grow in size and complexity.
Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection by: Autofac Contributors
  • 622 total downloads
  • Latest version: 10.0.0
  • autofac di ioc dependencyinjection aspnet aspnetcore
Autofac implementation of the interfaces in Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions, the .NET Framework dependency injection abstraction.
Autofac.Extras.DynamicProxy by: Autofac Contributors
  • 272 total downloads
  • Latest version: 7.1.0
  • autofac di ioc dependencyinjection dynamicproxy
Autofac extension for enabling AOP in conjunction with Castle.