Hangfire.Core 1.7.0

An easy and reliable way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring, long-running, short-running, CPU or I/O intensive tasks inside ASP.NET applications. No Windows Service / Task Scheduler required. Even ASP.NET is not required. Backed by Redis, SQL Server, SQL Azure or MSMQ. This is a .NET alternative to Sidekiq, Resque and Celery. https://www.hangfire.io/

Showing the top 20 packages that depend on Hangfire.Core.

Packages Downloads
Job console for Hangfire
Hangfire Redis Storage Based on Redis.StackExchange See http://hangfire.io/ for some more info on the main project
ASP.NET Core support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
ASP.NET Core support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Hangfire Redis Storage Based on Redis.StackExchange See http://hangfire.io/ for some more info on the main project
Hangfire Redis Storage Based on Redis.StackExchange See http://hangfire.io/ for some more info on the main project and https://github.com/marcoCasamento/Hangfire.Redis.StackExchange for info on this
.NET Core's Worker Service host support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
ASP.NET Core support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
ASP.NET Core support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Job console for Hangfire
ASP.NET Core support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
ASP.NET Core support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
妙探科技nuget工具包 1、添加日期转财务报表报告期DateTime扩展方法
.NET Core's Worker Service host support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Hangfire Redis Storage Based on Redis.StackExchange See http://hangfire.io/ for some more info on the main project
ASP.NET Core support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).

https://www.hangfire.io/blog/ 1.7.0 • Added – Full .NET Core 2.0 support by explicitly targeting .NET Standard 2.0. • Added – `IGlobalConfiguration.SetDataCompatibilityLevel` to enable rolling upgrades from version 1.6. • Added – `IGlobalConfiguration.UseRecommendedSerializerSettings` method for new installations. • Added – Assemblies now loaded automatically when resolving a type when using default type resolver. • Added – Custom `TaskScheduler` can now be specified in `BackgroundJobServerOptions` for workers. • Added – `IdempotentCompletionAttribute` filter to enforce strict order for continuations. • Added – `IBackgroundJobClient.ContinueJobWith` methods to replace `ContinueWith` ones in future for clarity. • Added – `JobStorage.LinearizableReads` virtual property to avoid unnecessary waits in state changer. • Added – Allow async methods to run their continuations on worker thread by disabling `TaskScheduler`. • Added – Multi-stage shutdown to wait for graceful completion before starting to abort jobs. • Added – Asynchronous checks for job cancellation, `IJobCancellationToken` can be replaced with `CancellationToken` (by @pieceofsummer). • Added – Possibility to create millions of recurring jobs without stressing the scheduler. • Added – Second-based recurring jobs are fully supported now with 6-part cron expressions. • Added – Support for custom `TimeZoneInfo` resolvers in recurring jobs for interoperability purposes. • Added – Package now explicitly targets .NET Standard 2.0, and .NET Framework 4.6 target added as well. • Added – Type roundtrip support between .NET Core and .NET Framework for most common types. • Added – Allow to specify queue names based on job arguments with `QueueAttribute` via patterns. • Added – `PerformContext.Storage` property to allow server filters to spawn connections. • Added – `GetFirstByLowestScoreFromSet` connection method overload that returns multiple items (by @cdschneider). • Added – Entry point for custom job naming strategies available for dashboard (by @pieceofsummer). • Added – `JobDisplayNameAttribute` class for displaying jobs in dashboard, available on .NET Core (by @pieceofsummer). • Added – Support for async jobs returning ValueTask<T> (by @pieceofsummer). • Added – Support for asynchronous background processes, opens the road toward async storage. • Added – Circuit breaker pattern for background processes to reduce the logging pressure. • Added – Processing server is now able to detect it was expired, and restart itself with the new id. • Added – Ability to use custom delays for automatic retries of a background job. • Added – `ThreadAbortException` and `ThreadInterruptedException` handling to keep the background process running. • Added – Support for complex Cron expressions, including the `L`, `W`, `#` characters. • Added – `JobActivator.BeginScope` method overload with the full `PerformContext` (by @jeroenvervaeke). • Added – Support for read-only view for dashboard (by @mikechamberlain). • Added – Storage property to control the job expiration time (by @rsilvanet). • Added – Decrease the size of serialized type payloads and remove version information. • Changed – Make `TaskScheduler.Default` the default scheduler for async jobs to avoid breaking changes. • Changed – Split serializer setting to Internal and User scopes to isolate them (Version_170 Switch). • Changed – Don't allow to affect internal serialization even by `JsonConvert.DefaultSettings` (Version_170 Switch). • Changed – Share the same type binder between Hangfire itself and Newtonsoft.Json (Version_170 Switch). • Changed – Use more compact representation of dates when using `SerializeDateTime` (Version_170 Switch). • Changed – Stop using special case for `DateTime` argument serialization (Version_170 Switch). • Changed – Don't serialize unused `AwaitingState.Expiration` field (Version_170 Switch). • Changed – Specify parameter type when serializing arguments to allow using `TypeNameHandling.Auto` option. • Changed – Use case sensitive search when resolving a type as by default in .NET. • Changed – Make `SucceededState` constructor public to allow state serialization. • Changed – Add `IBackgroundJobFactory.StateMachine` property (breaking change for low level API). • Changed – Replace Rickshaw with Chart.js to have beautiful charts with less headache. • Changed – `DelayedJobScheduler` is able to use the new storage method to query multiple jobs at once. • Changed – `RecurringJobScheduler` now uses index-based checks to fetch only those jobs that should be scheduled. • Fixed – Worker now logs an error, when all the state change attempts failed due to an exception. • Fixed – Don't serialize arguments multiple times when showing job details in dashboard. • Fixed – `DateTimeOffset` conversion error when it was serialized with `TypeConverter`. • Fixed – Remove duplicate of argument deserialization code for obsolete `Job` class methods. • Fixed – Decorate all the exceptions with the `SerializableAttribute`. • Fixed – `ArgumentNullException` when job class contains method with non-resolvable generic arguments. • Fixed – "Failed to initialize CoreCLR" error, by removing reference to `Microsoft.NETCore.Portable.Compatibility`. • Fixed – Possible race conditions in `RecurringJobScheduler` that may lead to job duplicates. • Fixed – Configuration inconsistency introduced in 1.6.18 leading to issues with custom `JobActivator`. • Fixed – Triggering the recurring task doesn't update its last execution time. • Fixed – Recurring job which don't have next execution (intentionally or not) don't cause exception. • Fixed – Dashboard recurring jobs sorting is random (now it's based on next execution time). • Fixed – Performance problems with huge amount of recurring jobs. • Fixed – `NextExecution` field of a recurring job has delay in value getting set. • Fixed – Dashboard graphs have improper sizing. • Fixed – Server disappears from the list, but still performing the background processing. • Fixed – Logging is too aggressive on transient errors. • Fixed – Daylight saving time transitions now handled perfectly in recurring jobs thanks to Cronos. • Fixed – Confusing Cron scheduling, when both day-of-week and day-of-month fields set. • Project – Add `DataCompatibilityRangeFact` and `DataCompatibilityRangeTheory` classes for compatibility checks. • Project – Reduce test execution time by removing unnecessary waits.

.NET Framework 4.5

.NET Framework 4.6

.NET Standard 1.3

.NET Standard 2.0

Version Downloads Last updated
1.8.14 9 06/14/2024
1.8.12 8 04/11/2024
1.8.11 13 02/29/2024
1.8.10 45 02/19/2024
1.8.9 20 02/06/2024
1.8.7 9 02/11/2024
1.8.6 833 11/03/2023
1.8.5 14 08/14/2023
1.8.4 11 10/10/2023
1.8.3 16 07/01/2023
1.8.2 830 09/22/2023
1.8.1 13 06/20/2023
1.8.0 16 10/13/2023
1.8.0-rc4 14 09/30/2023
1.8.0-rc3 9 09/28/2023
1.8.0-rc2 12 07/05/2023
1.8.0-rc1 8 07/05/2023
1.8.0-beta4 11 09/28/2023
1.8.0-beta3 13 07/26/2023
1.8.0-beta2 13 07/26/2023
1.8.0-beta1 8 07/04/2023
1.7.37 7 04/13/2024
1.7.36 17 09/18/2023
1.7.35 13 10/13/2023
1.7.34 12 10/06/2023
1.7.33 14 07/04/2023
1.7.32 11 06/19/2023
1.7.31 14 10/07/2023
1.7.30 2,166 06/16/2022
1.7.29 10 06/21/2023
1.7.28 10 06/09/2023
1.7.27 2,227 11/12/2021
1.7.26 12 09/28/2023
1.7.25 11 09/29/2023
1.7.24 11 07/05/2023
1.7.23 11 10/14/2023
1.7.22 621 05/24/2021
1.7.21 12 09/28/2023
1.7.20 16 09/30/2023
1.7.19 190 03/01/2021
1.7.18 205 12/16/2020
1.7.17 751 12/16/2020
1.7.16 13 06/08/2023
1.7.15 13 10/01/2023
1.7.14 14 09/29/2023
1.7.13 13 09/18/2023
1.7.12 12 09/30/2023
1.7.11 3,519 12/16/2020
1.7.10 14 02/19/2022
1.7.9 12 10/03/2023
1.7.8 11 10/04/2023
1.7.7 13 10/07/2023
1.7.6 10 09/30/2023
1.7.5 11 10/02/2023
1.7.4 13 06/09/2023
1.7.3 36 01/18/2021
1.7.2 12 10/08/2023
1.7.1 17 07/27/2023
1.7.0 15 06/13/2023
1.6.30 11 10/22/2023
1.6.29 8 10/09/2023
1.6.28 12 10/22/2023
1.6.27 10 10/09/2023
1.6.26 9 10/23/2023
1.6.25 9 10/02/2023
1.6.24 10 10/05/2023
1.6.23 14 10/23/2023
1.6.22 10 10/22/2023
1.6.21 8 09/29/2023
1.6.20 11 10/01/2023
1.6.19 11 10/23/2023
1.6.18 11 10/19/2023
1.6.17 10 10/10/2023
1.6.16 14 09/29/2023
1.6.15 12 10/22/2023
1.6.14 9 10/23/2023
1.6.13 14 09/30/2023
1.6.12 11 10/05/2023
1.6.11 14 09/29/2023
1.6.10 10 09/29/2023
1.6.9 10 10/02/2023
1.6.8 11 10/13/2023
1.6.7 10 09/28/2023
1.6.6 16 09/29/2023
1.6.5 11 10/14/2023
1.6.4 9 10/13/2023
1.6.3 10 10/09/2023
1.6.2 14 09/29/2023
1.6.1 9 10/09/2023
1.6.0 6,652 12/16/2020
1.5.9 13 10/02/2023
1.5.8 22 10/02/2023
1.5.7 10 10/14/2023
1.5.6 12 10/06/2023
1.5.5 12 09/29/2023
1.5.4 11 09/29/2023
1.5.3 10 10/14/2023
1.5.2 12 10/13/2023
1.5.1 10 10/11/2023
1.5.0 16 10/14/2023
1.4.7 11 10/09/2023
1.4.6 9 10/09/2023
1.4.5 11 10/13/2023
1.4.4 9 10/05/2023
1.4.3 11 10/04/2023
1.4.2 8 10/14/2023
1.4.1 14 10/14/2023
1.3.4 14 10/14/2023
1.3.3 12 10/14/2023
1.3.2 11 10/14/2023
1.3.1 12 10/14/2023
1.3.0 15 10/08/2023
1.2.2 9 10/14/2023
1.2.1 11 10/13/2023
1.2.0 13 10/14/2023
1.1.1 12 10/14/2023
1.1.0 13 10/14/2023
1.0.2 11 10/14/2023
1.0.1 15 10/14/2023
1.0.0 13 10/14/2023
0.9.1 12 10/11/2023
0.9.0 16 10/09/2023
0.8.3 12 10/14/2023
0.8.2 11 10/14/2023
0.8.1 12 10/13/2023
0.8.0 11 10/06/2023
0.7.5 14 10/14/2023
0.7.4 11 10/14/2023
0.7.3 10 10/14/2023
0.7.1 11 10/11/2023
0.7.0 18 10/05/2023
0.6.2 15 10/14/2023
0.6.1 12 10/13/2023
0.5.2 9 10/14/2023
0.5.1 13 10/14/2023
0.5.0 11 10/11/2023