Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp 6.0.0-rc1.2

This package includes code only helpers such as Colors conversion tool, Storage file handling, a Stream helper class, etc.

Showing the top 20 packages that depend on Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.

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This library provides various common UI helpers. It is a part of the Windows Community Toolkit. AdvancedCollectionView: It's a collection view implementation that support filtering, sorting and incremental loading. It's meant to be used in a viewmodel. CacheBase: Provides methods and tools to cache files in a folder. Converters: Commonly used converters that allow the data to be modified as it passes through the binding engine. Extensions: - ApplicationViewExtensions: Provides attached properties for interacting with the ApplicationView on a window (app view). - AttachedDropShadow: Provides a composition based shadow effect which supports masking. - FrameworkElementExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the FrameworkElement. - ListViewExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the ListViewBase - LogicalTree: Defines a collection of extensions methods for UI. - MatrixExtensions: Provides a set of extensions to the Matrix struct. - MatrixHelperEx: Static helper methods for Matrix. - Mouse: Helper class for easily changing the mouseover cursor type. - NullableBool: Custom MarkupExtension which can provide nullable bool values. - RotateTransformExtensions: Extension methods for RotateTransform. - ScaleTransformExtensions: Extension methods for ScaleTransform. - ScrollViewerExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the ListViewBase - SkewTransformExtensions: Extension methods for SkewTransform. - SurfaceDialTextbox: Helper class that provides attached properties to enable any TextBox with the Surface Dial. - TextBoxMask: TextBox mask property allows a user to more easily enter fixed width text in TextBox control. - TextBoxRegex: TextBoxRegex allows text validation using a regular expression. - TitleBarExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for interacting with the ApplicationViewTitleBar on a window (app view). - TranslateTransformExtensions: Extension methods for TranslateTransform. - VisualExtensions: Extension methods and attached properties for Visual objects - VisualTree: Defines a collection of extensions methods for UI. Helpers: - BindableValueHolder: Holds the value. Can be used to change several objects' properties at a time. - DependencyPropertyWatcher: Used to Track Changes of a Dependency Property - ThemeListener: Class which listens for changes to Application Theme or High Contrast Modes and Signals an Event when they occur. Triggers: Various Visual State Triggers to help trigger VisualStates in a wide variety of scenarios.
This library provides XAML templated controls. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit. Controls: - CameraPreview: Easily preview video from camera sources and get realtime frames from the selected source. - DropShadowPanel: DropShadowPanel control allows the creation of a DropShadow for any Xaml FrameworkElement in markup. - ImageEx: Images are downloaded asynchronously showing a load indicator and can be stored in a local cache. - InAppNotification: Show local notifications in your application. - Loading: Helps to show content with animation to the user while the app is doing some calculation. - RadialProgressBar: Displays progress as a circle getting filled. - RotatorTile: Rotates through a set of items one-by-one like a live-tile. - TabbedCommandBar: A command bar that organizes features of an application into a series of tabs. - TextToolbar: A Toolbar for Editing Text attached to a RichEditBox. It can format RTF, Markdown, or use a Custom Formatter. - TileControl: A ContentControl that show an image repeated many times.
This library provides XAML user controls. It is part of the UWP Community Toolkit.
This library provides UI components, such as XAML extensions, helpers, brushes, converters and more. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
This library provides XAML user controls. It is part of the UWP Community Toolkit.
This library provides UI components, such as XAML extensions, helpers, converters and more. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit. AdvancedCollectionView: It's a collection view implementation that support filtering, sorting and incremental loading. It's meant to be used in a viewmodel. CacheBase: Provides methods and tools to cache files in a folder. Converters: Commonly used converters that allow the data to be modified as it passes through the binding engine. Extensions: - ApplicationViewExtensions: Provides attached properties for interacting with the ApplicationView on a window (app view). - FrameworkElementExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the FrameworkElement. - ListViewExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the ListViewBase - LogicalTree: Defines a collection of extensions methods for UI. - MatrixExtensions: Provides a set of extensions to the Matrix struct. - MatrixHelperEx: Static helper methods for Matrix. - Mouse: Helper class for easily changing the mouseover cursor type. - NullableBool: Custom MarkupExtension which can provide nullable bool values. - RotateTransformExtensions: Extension methods for RotateTransform. - ScaleTransformExtensions: Extension methods for ScaleTransform. - ScrollViewerExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the ListViewBase - SkewTransformExtensions: Extension methods for SkewTransform. - SurfaceDialTextbox: Helper class that provides attached properties to enable any TextBox with the Surface Dial. - TextBoxMask: TextBox mask property allows a user to more easily enter fixed width text in TextBox control. - TextBoxRegex: TextBoxRegex allows text validation using a regular expression. - TitleBarExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for interacting with the ApplicationViewTitleBar on a window (app view). - TranslateTransformExtensions: Extension methods for TranslateTransform. - VisualExtensions: Extension methods and attached properties for Visual objects - VisualTree: Defines a collection of extensions methods for UI. Helpers: - BindableValueHolder: Holds the value. Can be used to change several objects' properties at a time. - DependencyPropertyWatcher: Used to Track Changes of a Dependency Property - ThemeListener: Class which listens for changes to Application Theme or High Contrast Modes and Signals an Event when they occur.
This library provides UI components, such as XAML extensions, helpers, brushes, converters and more. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit. AdvancedCollectionView: It's a collection view implementation that support filtering, sorting and incremental loading. It's meant to be used in a viewmodel. CacheBase: Provides methods and tools to cache files in a folder. Converters: Commonly used converters that allow the data to be modified as it passes through the binding engine. Extensions: - ApplicationViewExtensions: Provides attached properties for interacting with the ApplicationView on a window (app view). - FrameworkElementExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the FrameworkElement. - ListViewExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the ListViewBase - LogicalTree: Defines a collection of extensions methods for UI. - MatrixExtensions: Provides a set of extensions to the Matrix struct. - MatrixHelperEx: Static helper methods for Matrix. - Mouse: Helper class for easily changing the mouseover cursor type. - NullableBool: Custom MarkupExtension which can provide nullable bool values. - RotateTransformExtensions: Extension methods for RotateTransform. - ScaleTransformExtensions: Extension methods for ScaleTransform. - ScrollViewerExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the ListViewBase - SkewTransformExtensions: Extension methods for SkewTransform. - StatusBarExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for interacting with the StatusBar on a window (app view). - SurfaceDialTextbox: Helper class that provides attached properties to enable any TextBox with the Surface Dial. - TextBoxMask: TextBox mask property allows a user to more easily enter fixed width text in TextBox control. - TextBoxRegex: TextBoxRegex allows text validation using a regular expression. - TitleBarExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for interacting with the ApplicationViewTitleBar on a window (app view). - TranslateTransformExtensions: Extension methods for TranslateTransform. - VisualExtensions: Extension methods and attached properties for Visual objects - VisualTree: Defines a collection of extensions methods for UI. Helpers: - BindableValueHolder: Holds the value. Can be used to change several objects' properties at a time. - DependencyPropertyWatcher: Used to Track Changes of a Dependency Property - ThemeListener: Class which listens for changes to Application Theme or High Contrast Modes and Signals an Event when they occur. Media: - BackdropBlurBrush: The BackdropBlurBrush is a Brush that blurs whatever is behind it in the application. - BackdropGammaTransferBrush: A brush which alters the colors of whatever is behind it in the application by applying a per-channel gamma transfer function. - BackdropInvertBrush: The BackdropInvertBrush is a Brush which inverts whatever is behind it in the application. - BackdropSaturationBrush: Brush which applies a SaturationEffect to the Backdrop. - BackdropSepiaBrush: Brush which applies a SepiaEffect to the Backdrop. - CanvasBrushBase: Helper Brush class to interop with Win2D Canvas calls. - ImageBlendBrush: Brush which blends a BitmapImage to the Backdrop in a given mode. - RadialGradientBrush: This GradientBrush defines its Gradient as an interpolation within an Ellipse.
This library provides UI components, such as XAML extensions, helpers, converters and more. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit. AdvancedCollectionView: It's a collection view implementation that support filtering, sorting and incremental loading. It's meant to be used in a viewmodel. Behaviors: - BehaviorBase: Helper for building Behaviors - ViewportBehavior: Listening for element to enter or exit the ScrollViewer viewport CacheBase: Provides methods and tools to cache files in a folder. Converters: Commonly used converters that allow the data to be modified as it passes through the binding engine. Extensions: - ApplicationViewExtensions: Provides attached properties for interacting with the ApplicationView on a window (app view). - FrameworkElementExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the FrameworkElement. - ListViewExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the ListViewBase - LogicalTree: Defines a collection of extensions methods for UI. - MatrixExtensions: Provides a set of extensions to the Matrix struct. - MatrixHelperEx: Static helper methods for Matrix. - Mouse: Helper class for easily changing the mouseover cursor type. - NullableBool: Custom MarkupExtension which can provide nullable bool values. - RotateTransformExtensions: Extension methods for RotateTransform. - ScaleTransformExtensions: Extension methods for ScaleTransform. - ScrollViewerExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the ListViewBase - SkewTransformExtensions: Extension methods for SkewTransform. - StatusBarExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for interacting with the StatusBar on a window (app view). - SurfaceDialTextbox: Helper class that provides attached properties to enable any TextBox with the Surface Dial. - TextBoxMask: TextBox mask property allows a user to more easily enter fixed width text in TextBox control. - TextBoxRegex: TextBoxRegex allows text validation using a regular expression. - TitleBarExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for interacting with the ApplicationViewTitleBar on a window (app view). - TranslateTransformExtensions: Extension methods for TranslateTransform. - VisualExtensions: Extension methods and attached properties for Visual objects - VisualTree: Defines a collection of extensions methods for UI. Helpers: - BindableValueHolder: Holds the value. Can be used to change several objects' properties at a time. - DependencyPropertyWatcher: Used to Track Changes of a Dependency Property - ThemeListener: Class which listens for changes to Application Theme or High Contrast Modes and Signals an Event when they occur.
This library provides XAML templated controls. It is a part of the Windows Community Toolkit. Controls: - CameraPreview: Easily preview video from camera sources and get realtime frames from the selected source. - DropShadowPanel: DropShadowPanel control allows the creation of a DropShadow for any Xaml FrameworkElement in markup. - ImageEx: Images are downloaded asynchronously showing a load indicator and can be stored in a local cache. - InAppNotification: Show local notifications in your application. - Loading: Helps to show content with animation to the user while the app is doing some calculation. - MetadataControl: Control for organizing text based categories with a separator, supports commands. - RadialProgressBar: Displays progress as a circle getting filled. - RotatorTile: Rotates through a set of items one-by-one like a live-tile. - TabbedCommandBar: A command bar that organizes features of an application into a series of tabs. - TextToolbar: A Toolbar for Editing Text attached to a RichEditBox. It can format RTF, Markdown, or use a Custom Formatter. - TileControl: A ContentControl that show an image repeated many times.
This library provides UI components, such as XAML extensions, helpers, converters and more. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit. AdvancedCollectionView: It's a collection view implementation that support filtering, sorting and incremental loading. It's meant to be used in a viewmodel. CacheBase: Provides methods and tools to cache files in a folder. Converters: Commonly used converters that allow the data to be modified as it passes through the binding engine. Extensions: - ApplicationViewExtensions: Provides attached properties for interacting with the ApplicationView on a window (app view). - FrameworkElementExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the FrameworkElement. - ListViewExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the ListViewBase - LogicalTree: Defines a collection of extensions methods for UI. - MatrixExtensions: Provides a set of extensions to the Matrix struct. - MatrixHelperEx: Static helper methods for Matrix. - Mouse: Helper class for easily changing the mouseover cursor type. - NullableBool: Custom MarkupExtension which can provide nullable bool values. - RotateTransformExtensions: Extension methods for RotateTransform. - ScaleTransformExtensions: Extension methods for ScaleTransform. - ScrollViewerExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the ListViewBase - SkewTransformExtensions: Extension methods for SkewTransform. - SurfaceDialTextbox: Helper class that provides attached properties to enable any TextBox with the Surface Dial. - TextBoxMask: TextBox mask property allows a user to more easily enter fixed width text in TextBox control. - TextBoxRegex: TextBoxRegex allows text validation using a regular expression. - TitleBarExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for interacting with the ApplicationViewTitleBar on a window (app view). - TranslateTransformExtensions: Extension methods for TranslateTransform. - VisualExtensions: Extension methods and attached properties for Visual objects - VisualTree: Defines a collection of extensions methods for UI. Helpers: - BindableValueHolder: Holds the value. Can be used to change several objects' properties at a time. - DependencyPropertyWatcher: Used to Track Changes of a Dependency Property - ThemeListener: Class which listens for changes to Application Theme or High Contrast Modes and Signals an Event when they occur.
This library provides UI services. It is part of the UWP Community Toolkit.
This library provides XAML templated controls. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit. Controls: - AdaptiveGridView: Presents items in a evenly-spaced set of columns to fill the total available space. - BladeView: Provides a horizontal collection of blades for master-detail scenarios. - CameraPreview: Easily preview video from camera sources and get realtime frames from the selected source. - Carousel: Presents items in a carousel control. - DockPanel: Define areas where you can arrange child elements either horizontally or vertically, relative to each other. - DropShadowPanel: DropShadowPanel contol allows the creation of a DropShadow for any Xaml FrameworkElement in markup. - Expander: Expander allows user to show/hide content based on a boolean state. - GridSplitter: A the control that redistributes space between columns or rows of a Grid control. - HeaderedContentControl: Provides a header to content. - HeaderedItemsControl: Provides a header to items. - HeaderedTextBlock: Provide a header for read only text. - ImageCropper: ImageCropper control allows user to crop image freely. - ImageEx: Images are downloaded asynchronously showing a load indicator and can be stored in a local cache. - InAppNotification: Show local notifications in your application. - InfiniteCanvas: Supports Infinite Scrolling, Ink, Text, Format Text, Zoom in/out, Redo, Undo, Export & Import. - LayoutTransformControl: Support for transformations as if applied by LayoutTransform. - Loading: Helps to show content with animation to the user while the app is doing some calculation. - MarkdownTextBlock: An efficient and extensible control that can parse and render markdown. - MasterDetailsView: Implements the Master/Details design pattern. - OrbitView: Positions items in a circle around a center element and supports orbits and anchors. - RadialGauge: Displays a value within a range, using a needle on a circular face. - RadialProgressBar: Displays progress as a circle getting filled. - RangeSelector: "Double slider" control for range values. - RemoteDevicePicker: Remote Device Picker Control for Project Rome. - RotatorTile: Rotates through a set of items one-by-one like a live-tile. - ScrollHeader: A UI control that works as a ListView or GridView header control with quick return, sticky and fade behavior. - StaggeredPanel: Layout of items in a column approach where an item will be added to whichever column has used the least amount of space. - TextToolbar: A Toolbar for Editing Text attached to a RichEditBox. It can format RTF, Markdown, or use a Custom Formatter. - TileControl: A ContentControl that show an image repeated many times. - UniformGrid: Presents items in a evenly-spaced set of rows or columns to fill the total available display space. - WrapPanel: Positions child elements in sequential position from left to right and breaks content to the next line.
This library provides UI components, such as XAML extensions, helpers, converters and more. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit. AdvancedCollectionView: It's a collection view implementation that support filtering, sorting and incremental loading. It's meant to be used in a viewmodel. Behaviors: - BehaviorBase: Helper for building Behaviors - ViewportBehavior: Listening for element to enter or exit the ScrollViewer viewport CacheBase: Provides methods and tools to cache files in a folder. Converters: Commonly used converters that allow the data to be modified as it passes through the binding engine. Extensions: - ApplicationViewExtensions: Provides attached properties for interacting with the ApplicationView on a window (app view). - FrameworkElementExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the FrameworkElement. - ListViewExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the ListViewBase - LogicalTree: Defines a collection of extensions methods for UI. - MatrixExtensions: Provides a set of extensions to the Matrix struct. - MatrixHelperEx: Static helper methods for Matrix. - Mouse: Helper class for easily changing the mouseover cursor type. - NullableBool: Custom MarkupExtension which can provide nullable bool values. - RotateTransformExtensions: Extension methods for RotateTransform. - ScaleTransformExtensions: Extension methods for ScaleTransform. - ScrollViewerExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the ListViewBase - SkewTransformExtensions: Extension methods for SkewTransform. - StatusBarExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for interacting with the StatusBar on a window (app view). - SurfaceDialTextbox: Helper class that provides attached properties to enable any TextBox with the Surface Dial. - TextBoxMask: TextBox mask property allows a user to more easily enter fixed width text in TextBox control. - TextBoxRegex: TextBoxRegex allows text validation using a regular expression. - TitleBarExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for interacting with the ApplicationViewTitleBar on a window (app view). - TranslateTransformExtensions: Extension methods for TranslateTransform. - VisualExtensions: Extension methods and attached properties for Visual objects - VisualTree: Defines a collection of extensions methods for UI. Helpers: - BindableValueHolder: Holds the value. Can be used to change several objects' properties at a time. - DependencyPropertyWatcher: Used to Track Changes of a Dependency Property - ThemeListener: Class which listens for changes to Application Theme or High Contrast Modes and Signals an Event when they occur.
This library provides UI components, such as XAML extensions, helpers, converters and more. It is a part of the Windows Community Toolkit. AdvancedCollectionView: It's a collection view implementation that support filtering, sorting and incremental loading. It's meant to be used in a viewmodel. CacheBase: Provides methods and tools to cache files in a folder. Converters: Commonly used converters that allow the data to be modified as it passes through the binding engine. Extensions: - ApplicationViewExtensions: Provides attached properties for interacting with the ApplicationView on a window (app view). - FrameworkElementExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the FrameworkElement. - ListViewExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the ListViewBase - LogicalTree: Defines a collection of extensions methods for UI. - MatrixExtensions: Provides a set of extensions to the Matrix struct. - MatrixHelperEx: Static helper methods for Matrix. - Mouse: Helper class for easily changing the mouseover cursor type. - NullableBool: Custom MarkupExtension which can provide nullable bool values. - RotateTransformExtensions: Extension methods for RotateTransform. - ScaleTransformExtensions: Extension methods for ScaleTransform. - ScrollViewerExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the ListViewBase - SkewTransformExtensions: Extension methods for SkewTransform. - SurfaceDialTextbox: Helper class that provides attached properties to enable any TextBox with the Surface Dial. - TextBoxMask: TextBox mask property allows a user to more easily enter fixed width text in TextBox control. - TextBoxRegex: TextBoxRegex allows text validation using a regular expression. - TitleBarExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for interacting with the ApplicationViewTitleBar on a window (app view). - TranslateTransformExtensions: Extension methods for TranslateTransform. - VisualExtensions: Extension methods and attached properties for Visual objects - VisualTree: Defines a collection of extensions methods for UI. Helpers: - BindableValueHolder: Holds the value. Can be used to change several objects' properties at a time. - DependencyPropertyWatcher: Used to Track Changes of a Dependency Property - ThemeListener: Class which listens for changes to Application Theme or High Contrast Modes and Signals an Event when they occur.
This library provides XAML templated controls. It is a part of the Windows Community Toolkit. Controls: - CameraPreview: Easily preview video from camera sources and get realtime frames from the selected source. - DropShadowPanel: DropShadowPanel control allows the creation of a DropShadow for any Xaml FrameworkElement in markup. - ImageEx: Images are downloaded asynchronously showing a load indicator and can be stored in a local cache. - InAppNotification: Show local notifications in your application. - Loading: Helps to show content with animation to the user while the app is doing some calculation. - MetadataControl: Control for organizing text based categories with a separator, supports commands. - RadialProgressBar: Displays progress as a circle getting filled. - RotatorTile: Rotates through a set of items one-by-one like a live-tile. - TabbedCommandBar: A command bar that organizes features of an application into a series of tabs. - TextToolbar: A Toolbar for Editing Text attached to a RichEditBox. It can format RTF, Markdown, or use a Custom Formatter. - TileControl: A ContentControl that show an image repeated many times.
This library provides XAML user controls. It is part of the UWP Community Toolkit.
This library provides XAML templated controls. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit. Controls: - AdaptiveGridView: Presents items in a evenly-spaced set of columns to fill the total available space. - BladeView: Provides a horizontal collection of blades for master-detail scenarios. - CameraPreview: Easily preview video from camera sources and get realtime frames from the selected source. - Carousel: Presents items in a carousel control. - DockPanel: Define areas where you can arrange child elements either horizontally or vertically, relative to each other. - DropShadowPanel: DropShadowPanel contol allows the creation of a DropShadow for any Xaml FrameworkElement in markup. - Expander: Expander allows user to show/hide content based on a boolean state. - GridSplitter: A the control that redistributes space between columns or rows of a Grid control. - HeaderedContentControl: Provides a header to content. - HeaderedItemsControl: Provides a header to items. - HeaderedTextBlock: Provide a header for read only text. - ImageCropper: ImageCropper control allows user to crop image freely. - ImageEx: Images are downloaded asynchronously showing a load indicator and can be stored in a local cache. - InAppNotification: Show local notifications in your application. - InfiniteCanvas: Supports Infinite Scrolling, Ink, Text, Format Text, Zoom in/out, Redo, Undo, Export & Import. - LayoutTransformControl: Support for transformations as if applied by LayoutTransform. - Loading: Helps to show content with animation to the user while the app is doing some calculation. - MarkdownTextBlock: An efficient and extensible control that can parse and render markdown. - MasterDetailsView: Implements the Master/Details design pattern. - OrbitView: Positions items in a circle around a center element and supports orbits and anchors. - RadialGauge: Displays a value within a range, using a needle on a circular face. - RadialProgressBar: Displays progress as a circle getting filled. - RangeSelector: "Double slider" control for range values. - RemoteDevicePicker: Remote Device Picker Control for Project Rome. - RotatorTile: Rotates through a set of items one-by-one like a live-tile. - ScrollHeader: A UI control that works as a ListView or GridView header control with quick return, sticky and fade behavior. - StaggeredPanel: Layout of items in a column approach where an item will be added to whichever column has used the least amount of space. - TextToolbar: A Toolbar for Editing Text attached to a RichEditBox. It can format RTF, Markdown, or use a Custom Formatter. - TileControl: A ContentControl that show an image repeated many times. - TokenizingTextBox: An AutoSuggestBox like control which places entered input into easily removed containers for contacts or tags. - UniformGrid: Presents items in a evenly-spaced set of rows or columns to fill the total available display space. - WrapPanel: Positions child elements in sequential position from left to right and breaks content to the next line.
This library provides UI components, such as XAML extensions, helpers, converters and more. It is a part of the Windows Community Toolkit. AdvancedCollectionView: It's a collection view implementation that support filtering, sorting and incremental loading. It's meant to be used in a viewmodel. CacheBase: Provides methods and tools to cache files in a folder. Converters: Commonly used converters that allow the data to be modified as it passes through the binding engine. Extensions: - ApplicationViewExtensions: Provides attached properties for interacting with the ApplicationView on a window (app view). - FrameworkElementExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the FrameworkElement. - ListViewExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the ListViewBase - LogicalTree: Defines a collection of extensions methods for UI. - MatrixExtensions: Provides a set of extensions to the Matrix struct. - MatrixHelperEx: Static helper methods for Matrix. - Mouse: Helper class for easily changing the mouseover cursor type. - NullableBool: Custom MarkupExtension which can provide nullable bool values. - RotateTransformExtensions: Extension methods for RotateTransform. - ScaleTransformExtensions: Extension methods for ScaleTransform. - ScrollViewerExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the ListViewBase - SkewTransformExtensions: Extension methods for SkewTransform. - SurfaceDialTextbox: Helper class that provides attached properties to enable any TextBox with the Surface Dial. - TextBoxMask: TextBox mask property allows a user to more easily enter fixed width text in TextBox control. - TextBoxRegex: TextBoxRegex allows text validation using a regular expression. - TitleBarExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for interacting with the ApplicationViewTitleBar on a window (app view). - TranslateTransformExtensions: Extension methods for TranslateTransform. - VisualExtensions: Extension methods and attached properties for Visual objects - VisualTree: Defines a collection of extensions methods for UI. Helpers: - BindableValueHolder: Holds the value. Can be used to change several objects' properties at a time. - DependencyPropertyWatcher: Used to Track Changes of a Dependency Property - ThemeListener: Class which listens for changes to Application Theme or High Contrast Modes and Signals an Event when they occur.

v3.0 release

UAP 10.0.16299

Version Downloads Last updated
7.1.3 18 11/24/2023
7.1.3-rc 13 12/26/2023
7.1.2 16 11/10/2023
7.1.1 13 11/10/2023
7.1.0 14 11/09/2023
7.1.0-rc2 15 12/26/2023
7.1.0-rc1 13 01/30/2024
7.1.0-preview1 18 12/27/2023
7.0.2 16 11/10/2023
7.0.1 12 11/09/2023
7.0.0 16 11/10/2023
7.0.0-preview5 13 12/22/2023
7.0.0-preview4 17 12/27/2023
7.0.0-preview3 12 12/28/2023
7.0.0-preview2 14 12/30/2023
7.0.0-preview1 16 12/27/2023
6.1.1 15 11/10/2023
6.1.0 18 11/09/2023
6.1.0-rc1 13 12/27/2023
6.1.0-preview1.2 15 12/20/2023
6.0.0 14 11/10/2023
6.0.0-rc1.2 14 12/18/2023
5.1.1 16 11/09/2023
5.1.0 16 11/10/2023
5.0.0 14 11/10/2023
5.0.0-preview.gb86cb1c4cb 16 01/29/2024
4.0.0 14 11/09/2023
3.0.0 13 11/09/2023
3.0.0-preview 12 12/17/2023
2.2.0 12 11/10/2023
2.1.1 16 11/09/2023
2.1.0 14 11/10/2023
2.0.0 17 11/10/2023
1.5.1 14 11/10/2023
1.5.0 16 11/10/2023
1.4.1 11 11/10/2023
1.4.0 12 11/10/2023
1.3.1 8 11/09/2023
1.3.0 13 11/10/2023
1.2.0 13 11/10/2023
1.1.0 17 11/10/2023
1.0.0 15 11/10/2023