Mono.TextTemplating 3.0.0-preview-0045-g9b6fc72764


NOTE: To use a template at runtime in your app, you do not need to host the engine. It is generally preferable to use dotnet-t4 to generate a runtime template class and compile that into your app, as this has substantially less overhead than hosting the engine.

Mono.TextTemplating is an open-source reimplementation of the Visual Studio T4 text templating engine, and supports C# 10 and .NET 6. This package is the engine package, which can be used to host the T4 engine in your own app.

By default the engine uses the C# compiler from the .NET SDK, but the Mono.TextTemplating.Roslyn package can be used to bundle a copy of the Roslyn C# compiler and host it in-process. This may improve template compilation performance when compiling multiple templates, and guarantees a specific version of the compiler.


This will read a template from templateFile, compile and process it, and write the output to outputFile:

var generator = new TemplateGenerator ();
bool success = await generator.ProcessTemplateAsync (templateFilename, outputFilename);

This does the same thing as a series of lower-level steps, allowing it to provide additional compiler arguments by modifying the TemplateSettings:

string templateContent = File.ReadAllText (templateFilename);

var generator = new TemplateGenerator ();
ParsedTemplate parsed = generator.ParseTemplate (templateFilename, templateContent);
TemplateSettings settings = TemplatingEngine.GetSettings (generator, parsed);

settings.CompilerOptions = "-nullable:enable";

(string generatedFilename, string generatedContent) = await generator.ProcessTemplateAsync (
    parsed, inputFilename, inputContent, outputFilename, settings

File.WriteAllText (generatedFilename, generatedContent);

API Overview


In most cases, you need only use or subclass TemplateGenerator:

  • It implements ITextTemplatingEngineHost and ITextTemplatingSessionHost with a default implementation that can be overridden if needed.
  • It wraps a TemplateEngine instance and provides simplified ProcessTemplateAsync() and PreprocessTemplateAsync() methods.

VS T4 Compatibility

Mono.TextTemplating has session, host and directive processor interfaces and classes in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating namespace that are near-identical to the original Visual Studio T4 implementation. This allows older T4 templates and directive processors to work with Mono.TextTemplating with few (if any) changes.

The Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.(ITextTemplatingEngine,Engine) hosting API is supported but deprecated.


For advanced use, some lower level classes and methods are accessible:

  • TemplatingEngine: generates C# classes from T4 templates and compiles them into assemblies
  • TemplateGenerator.ParseTemplate(): uses a Tokenizer to parse a template string into a ParsedTemplate
  • Tokenizer: tokenizes an T4 input stream
  • ParsedTemplate: provides direct access to the segments and directives of a parsed template
  • TemplatingEngine.GetSettings(): uses the directives in a ParsedTemplate to initialize a TemplateSettings
  • TemplateSettings: settings that control code generation and compilation.
  • CompiledTemplate: a template that has been compiled but not executed

Differences from VS T4

The Mono.TextTemplating engine contains many improvements over the original Visual Studio T4 implementation, including:

  • It supports the latest .NET APIs and C# language version
  • The engine and the code it generates are compatible with .NET Core and .NET 5+
  • It executes templates in an AssemblyLoadContext, which allows the generated assemblies to be garbage collected (where supported)
  • Parameter directives may use primitive types: <#@ parameter name="Foo" type="int" #>

Showing the top 20 packages that depend on Mono.TextTemplating.

Packages Downloads
Shared design-time components for Entity Framework Core tools.
Contains interfaces for Project Model and messaging for scaffolding.
Contains interfaces for Project Model and messaging for scaffolding.
Shared design-time components for Entity Framework Core tools.
Shared design-time components for Entity Framework Core tools.
Shared design-time components for Entity Framework Core tools.
Shared design-time components for Entity Framework Core tools.
Shared design-time components for Entity Framework Core tools.
Shared design-time components for Entity Framework Core tools.

.NET Framework 4.7.2

  • No dependencies.

.NET 6.0

.NET Standard 2.0

Version Downloads Last updated
3.0.0 5 09/11/2024
3.0.0-preview-0052-g5d0f76c785 19 03/06/2024
3.0.0-preview-0049-g4f33c8d8b1 15 02/17/2024
3.0.0-preview-0045-g9b6fc72764 14 02/02/2024
3.0.0-preview-0027-g2711105671 16 10/27/2023
2.3.1 845 06/19/2023
2.3.0 19 06/23/2023
2.2.1 865 05/11/2023
2.2.0 15 06/24/2023
2.0.5 17 07/04/2023
2.0.4 18 06/23/2023
2.0.3 14 07/04/2023
2.0.2 21 06/24/2023
2.0.1 14 06/24/2023
2.0.0 20 06/22/2023
1.3.1 14 07/06/2023
1.3.0 15 06/23/2023
1.2.0 17 06/23/2023
1.1.0 15 06/23/2023
1.0.0 15 06/24/2023